Roof Repair or Roof Replacement???

Phoenix Roof Repair

roof repair

TILE, SHINGLE, FLAT, FOAM it doesn’t matter most Phoenix roofers will tell you, “It’s time to remove the old roof and install a new one”  One of the biggest fears is really knowing if your roof can be repaired or if you have to replace it. There will come a time when you have to decide what to do about your roof, it may be looking a little deteriorated and may have some leaks. Most individuals dread this decision and put it off a much as they can, “out of sight, out of mind”, sometimes until they have no other choice and they have roof failure.  At this point most property owners are fearful of calling a roofing contractor.


By that time costly damages may have occurred and roof replacement is the only option. A timely roof repair or even a maintenance program would have protected the building. The extent of the roofing problems and the age of the roof are major factors that can help you decide on what course of action to take.


Can I repair my roof?

The last thing you want to hear when it’s raining is “You Need A New Roof”! Lets face it; most people don’t want to spend capital expenses on a new roof, especially if you can get more years out of your existing one. Getting a roofing contractor to show up is difficult enough, let alone getting three bids on a new roof, then choosing the right contractor. Wouldn’t it be better to really know what the condition of your roof is and what your options are?

Learn to be ROOF SMART: When it comes to  real estate, roof issues are usually ignored, until they leak. If you are having roofing issues, problems, leaks, etc. After calling your favorite roofing contractor call a roofing contractor that specializes in roof inspections and knows how to provide a written roof report with OPTIONS…. Know what is going on, know your options about your roof prior to taking the word of a hungry roofer or slick roofing sales guy.

For more information visit:

The #1 New Year’s Resolution for your Flat Roof

The #1 New Year’s Resolution for your Flat Roof

Yes! Every American makes a New Year’s resolution and only 8% achieve their New Year’s goals. Let me guess, you want to make more money, lose some weight, eat better or spend more time with your family… sure they are all good goals. But what about a New Year’s resolution for your flat roof?

Setting ambitious New Year’s resolution can be fun, but to actually achieve them can be another story. But what about a New Year’s resolution for your Phoenix commercial flat roof? Your roof is the most important part of your building, when it comes to protecting your investment. A maintenance-free roof system is as real as Santa Clause, it may sound good and give you a warm feeling but both simply don’t exist.

So what is the number one New Year’s resolution for your flat roof?

Take care of my commercial flat roof! Sound complicated and expensive? Think again! The goal of taking care of your roof is to extend the roof’s useable life. Roof repair & roof maintenance Phoenix

  1. Walk the perimeter of your building: Walk the perimeter of your phoenix building and make sure there are no loose objects hanging like, signs, satellite dishes, tree branches, and other building materials. These can be come airborne in high winds causing damage. Don’t forget to trim back trees that can rub or damage your roof and building.
  2. Walk your flat roof: If you are able walk your Phoenix flat roof, check all pipes and other roof penetrations for gaps and other age related damage. Inspect your roof drain and/or scupper areas to make sure they are clear of any debris. Check your roofs edge details to make sure they are tight fitting and properly sealed at the seams and fasteners. Inspect the actual roofing membrane for breaches or other roof damages.
  3. Note any roof issues you see: This is simple; mark areas that you feel are a concern. You can have your own maintenance team clean and repair your flat roof or you can hire a Phoenix roofing contractor that specializes in roof maintenance and roof cleaning.

Roof Repair & Roof Maintenance Phoenix

Many Phoenix roofing contractors focus on selling new roofs, that’s it. To a Phoenix roofer when they see a flat roof, “Tear off that roof and install a new roof!” It’s just second nature to a roofer. So if you are looking for roof repair Phoenix or roof maintenance Phoenix visit: the most informative roofing website on the internet!


DIY Foam Roofing Repair & Maintenance Phoenix

DIY Foam Roofing Repair & Maintenance Phoenix: If you have a foam flat roof in the Valley of the Sun you can understand the advantages of a sprayed polyurethane foam roof. One of the biggest factors that many property owners don’t think about is proper Phoenix foam roofing repair and maintenance. As a property owner with a foam roof you have two choices; hire a professional Phoenix roofing contractor or DIY… Do It Yourself Foam Roof Repair and Maintenance.

Foam Roof Blisters

Foam roofs can sometime develop blisters, which are usually caused by trapped moisture; most of these foam blisters do not cause an immediate threat.   If left unfixed these foam blisters will eventually split exposing the foam roof to UV degradation… SUN LIGHT. This will cause your foam roof to deteriorate.

Do It Yourself Foam Blister Repair

  1. Cut out the blister and remove any burnt or wet foam within the foam blister, you want to get down to dry and white foam. It is important to make sure everything is dry.
  1. Using a sharp utility knife cut the edge of the roof foam at a 45-degree angle away form the blister. This will provide a smooth tie-in with your caulking.
  1. There are several manufactures’ of elastomeric caulking, I recommend APOC’s 264 Flash N’ Seal Roof and Flashing Sealant. With a trowel, fill the foam blister void with APOC’s 264. Make sure to push the caulking in and completely fill the foam blister void.
  1. Smooth out to match your current foam roofs texture as much as possible and allow the APOC 264 Flash N’ Seal Roof and Flashing Sealant to cure for several days.
  1. When the repair is cured or dried, coat the top of the foam roof repair with an elastomeric coating to ensure no future damage will occur. I recommend APOC’s 252 Sunwhite Premium Elastomeric Roof Coating. There are lower priced elastomeric roof coatings you can purchase at Home Depot or Lowes. For more information about foam roof repair and maintenance visit:



Foam Roof Repair Phoenix

Foam Roof Repair Phoenix

Foam Roof Repair in Phoenix, many homeowners and commercial property owners cringe when people mention foam roofing or SPF, (Sprayed Polyurethane Foam). The fact is Phoenix foam roofing is very easy to maintain and may be the last roof you will ever need to install on your home or business. Foam roofing in Phoenix is easier to repair than other roofing systems. While most flat roofing systems like a TPO single ply roofing or modified bitumen roofing have to be removed after their useable lives, foam roofing with proper roof maintenance and foam recoating can last indefinitely!

Repairing Your Phoenix Foam Roof

If you want a Phoenix foam roof repair you can do it yourself or hire a Phoenix Roofing contractor to repair your foam roof. Many Phoenix DIY property owners choose to maintain and coat their foam roofs themselves. Many choose to hire a Phoenix roofing contractor to repair and coat their foam roofs. Hiring a profession licensed Phoenix roofing contractor provides several advantages. First, most have the experience to properly repair and coat a foam roof. Second, they provide a roof warranty and finally hiring a professional roofer provides you the peace of mind that if something goes wrong or you have a leak, you can just contact the Phoenix roofing contractor that repaired and coated your foam roof.

The Importance of Foam Roof Inspections in Phoenix

As I have stated so many times, “In Arizona we put a roof on and forget about it”. Unfortunately, this type of thinking is very expensive! Foam roofs are renewable which means your Phoenix Foam Roof can last a lifetime. All it takes in annual roof inspections and roof maintenance.

My next blog we will discuss how to DIY foam roof repair Phoenix. For more information visit:


Roof Repair Phoenix a Fool Proof Tip

Fool Proof Tip for Roof Repair in Phoenix

Here’s a foolproof tip on roof repair Phoenix. One of the biggest roofing challenges is to really know if repairing your roof is the best option in the long run or to know when it is time to throw in the towel and re-roof your house. There will come a time when you have to decide what to do about your roof, it may be looking a little deteriorated and may have some roof leaks. Most property owners dread this decision and put it off a much as they can, “out of sight, out of mind”. People are hesitant to call out a Phoenix roof for a roof repair, concerned that they will get taken advantage of.

It’s not uncommon for property owners to change out tiles in their office or paint over a leak stain on their homes’ ceiling. Ignoring a roof leak wont make it go away. A timely roof repair Phoenix or even a roof maintenance program would have protected the roof on their building or home. The extent of the roofing problems and the age of the roof are major factors that can help you decide on what course of action to take.

Phoenix roof repair
Roof Repair Phoenix

Fool Proof Tip for Roof Repair Phoenix

One of the first and most important actions to take is to have a roof inspection. You want a roof inspection, NOT A ROOF ESTIMATE, tell your Phoenix Roofer you want an actual roof inspection, with pictures and options, cost of repair verses the cost of replacement.

The last thing you want to hear when it’s raining is “You Need A New Roof”! Lets face it; most people don’t want to spend capital expenses on a new roof… Especially if you can get some more years out of your existing one. Getting a Phoenix roofing contractor to show up is difficult enough, let alone getting three bids on a re-roof, then choosing the right Phoenix roofing contractor. Wouldn’t it be better to really know what the condition of your roof is and what your options are?

Roof Repair Phoenix

A thorough roof inspection and with a written roof report should address all critical areas of the roof, provide recommendations for repairs, a maintenance program and/or roof replacement. This Phoenix Roof Inspection Report should include pictures of roof areas that require attention and a proposal for the above Roof Repair Phoenix recommendations. A good roofing contractor should have a certified roof inspector on their roofing staff. Understandably, some Phoenix roofing contractors will charge an inspection fee if you choose to go with someone else.

For more information visit

Phoenix Roof Restorations and “TRUMP” like tax breaks

Phoenix Roof Restorations
Phoenix Roof Restorations

Many property owners with older flat roofs don’t realize they have choices when it comes to re-roofing. When a Phoenix roofing contractor see an older flat roof that leaks they immediately want to tear it off and put on a new roof.

Phoenix Roofers will provide a myriad of re-roofing options. Besides proposing to remove your old flat roof and replace with torch applied modified bitumen or a TPO single ply roof system, they can also propose to “overlay” your flat roof with the systems I just described.

Depending on your flat roof, whether an older built up roof or asphalt built up roof your Phoenix roofer can use a slip sheet or a fan fold type insulation board and install the new roof system over the old roof system.

Let’s talk Phoenix Roof Restoration and “TRUMP” like tax breaks!

Most phoenix roofers don’t even think of proposing a phoenix roof restoration system. Whether you have an asphalt and gravel built up roof, a standard built up roof or a modified bitumen roof system a Phoenix roof restoration system may be for you. Both APOC Roof Coatings and Polyglass Roof Coatings have up to 15-year manufacturer warranties available to Phoenix flat roof owners who used authorized Phoenix roofing contractors.

The “TRUMP” like tax breaks with Phoenix Roof Restorations and Phoenix Roof Maintenance!

In general, roof replacement is amortized over 39-years where a Phoenix roof restoration system is considered roof maintenance and deductible the year the work was performed. Ask you personal accountant or tax attorney regarding your particular tax situation.

Many older flat roofs in the Phoenix metro area have multiple layers making a roof overlay system not an option. Most local Phoenix building codes and the international building codes don’t allow a roof with two layers to overlaid with and third roof system. This is where the Phoenix Roof Restoration System is a viable option.

Next time you have an older and leaky Phoenix flat roof ask your contractor about the Phoenix Roof Restoration system option. For more information visit